Revolog Film Pt. 2: Alice Crowe

February 29, 2024  •  Leave a Comment

Alice Crowe I wrote a while back about how much I enjoyed shooting Revolog Kolor, an analog special-effects film. I recently collaborated with Alice Crowe, and I was delighted to be able to process and scan the several rolls of Revolog Kolor I shot with my ancient Minolta SRT-101 SLR.

I've learned that, to get the most out of Revolog Kolor's color effects, it's best to underexpose the film by 1-stop. Overexposing washes out the color background, and defeats the whole purpose of using this special (and expensive) film.

I don't have much to add about the shoot itself: It was a delight to collaborate with a model again, and I can't wait to shoot Ms. Crowe again.

Here are a few of the better Revolog Kolor shots from the shoot:

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